CLS Trainingen

CISA | Certified Information Systems Auditor (via e-learning)

Algemene informatie over de cursus

The CISA | Certified Information Systems Auditor (via e-learning) course provides you with the knowledge and proficiency to prepare for the globally recognized CISA certification exam. The CISA certification has become very popular since it originated in 1978, and is a benchmark for IS audit, security, control, and assurance personnel to validate their skill set.

This course will immerse the student into the subject, with in-depth coverage of the information covering the five domains that make up the body of knowledge for the CISA exam and will provide the student the tools to build their technical skills to develop, manage, and perform IT security audits.

The package includes:

  • 12 months online access featuring on demand instructor-led classroom sessions with full audio and video lectures;
  • certificate of completion;
  • software video demonstrations;
  • printable courseware;
  • self assessment unit review quizzes.


This course is intended for anyone with a business-critical position in which you are responsible for the IT and business systems of your organization. You ensure that the systems are monitored, controlled and protected.


Students who follow this training usually have at least five years of experience as an information system analyst or a comparable combination of education and work experience.


This course concerns self-study. You determine the study duration yourself. You have access to the training for one year.


De maximale groepsgrootte bedraagt acht personen.


The course prepares you for the Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) exam. The exam costs are not included in the price.

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