CLS Trainingen

Linux Server Professional | LPIC 1-102

Algemene informatie over de cursus

The Linux Professional Institute (LPI) has established itself as the standard for distribution independent Linux certification. LPI offers three levels of certification: LPI 1, LPI 2 and LPI 3. LPI 1 is the base level certification that is looked for by professionals that want to validate their skills on Linux but not to one specific Linux distribution. The course Linux Server Professional | LPIC 1-102 will help candidates preparing for the LPIC 102 exam, which is the second out of 2 LPI exams candidates have to take to obtain the certificate.


LPIC-1 is the first certification in LPI's multi-level Linux professional certification program. The LPIC-1 will validate the candidate’s ability to perform maintenance tasks on the command line, install and configure a computer running Linux and configure basic networking.

The LPIC-1 is designed to reflect current research and validate a candidate’s proficiency in real world system administration. The objectives are tied to real-world job skills, which we determine through job task analysis surveying during exam development.

To become LPIC-1 certified the candidate must be able to:

  • understand the architecture of a Linux system;
  • install and maintain a Linux workstation, including X11 and setup it up as a network client;
  • work at the Linux command line, including common GNU and Unix commands;
  • handle files and access permissions as well as system security;
  • perform easy maintenance tasks: help users, add users to a larger system, backup and restore, shutdown and reboot.

Validity period: 5 years.

Exam topics:

  • shells and shell scripting;
  • interfaces and desktops;
  • administrative tasks;
  • essential system services;
  • networking fundamentals;
  • security.

All course materials and lunches are included in the course. Exam costs (€ 240,00) are not included in the price.


This course is for IT staff that want to acquire Linux skills. Typical functions for attendees of this course include support staff and junior system administration.


To attend this course, participants need to attend the LPIC-101 course or have experience at a comparable level.


The course lasts four days.


The maximum group size is twelve people.


After the course you can take the exam LPIC Level 1 Part 2 (102-500). Exam costs (€ 240,00) are not included in the price.

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