CLS Trainingen

Linux Infrastructure Fundamentals (English)

Algemene informatie over de cursus

A growing number of companies and (DevOps) teams discover the power and possibilities of open source software, with Linux-servers at the heart of their IT environment. Although any given Linux distribution provides an enormous amount of tools to work with, it can be challenging to make a start. The Linux Infrastructure Fundamentals training course helps you to get up to speed.

During the course, all subjects you face during your daily work with Linux are being covered: (secure) remote access, network and storage configuration, installing and updating software and basis troubleshooting.

This training gives the development of your Linux and command line skills a flying start and  is the ideal preparation to our Ansible, Git, Docker & Kubernetes courses.

We also offer this course in Dutch: Linux Infrastructure Fundamentals.


  • This training gives you a good overview of activities that you encounter every day when you work with Linux-based systems. You will also gain practical experience on how to best perform certain actions.

All course materials and lunches are included in the price.

This course is intended for DevOps Engineers, software developers and sysadmins who aim to get more out of Linux and open source tooling during their daily work.


To follow this training, you must have knowledge at the level of our Linux/UNIX Fundamentals training. A minimum of six months working in a (complex) IT environment is a plus.


The course lasts two days.


The maximum group size is twelve participants.


All participants will receive a certificate upon completion of this course.

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