CLS Trainingen

Linux/Unix Fundamentals | Engelstalig

Algemene informatie over de cursus

The course Linux/Unix Fundamentals | Engelstalig introduces you to the Linux/Unix ‘philosophy’ of working. It teaches the basic concepts and the elementary functionality of Linux/Unix systems.

After the course you will understand the facilities of the file system, the most important file management commands and the vi editor. The students will be able to use a large selection of standard utility commands.

The strong and the weak points of Linux and Unix systems will be covered. Details of the internal working will be explained where they are useful for the basic understanding.

Course attendees receive the following documentation:

  • a student pack with copies of the presentations, lab exercises, answers to the exercises, and background information;
  • a reference card with frequently used options of most Linux/Unix commands;
  • shortly after the course the student will receive a certificate as a proof of participation.


  • As with all modern systems, working with Linux/Unix involves the use of a graphical user interface. But the real power of the system can only be unleashed with the command language as available in the ‘command box’. The major part of this course concentrates on this command language.

All course materials and lunch are included in the course. Not covered in this course: shell script programming, sed en awk; Please refer to our Linux/Unix part 2 course for these topics. System administration and installation.

This is course is also available in Dutch.

The course is meant for professional computer users interested in the basic concepts, user commands and utility programs of a Linux/Unix system.


This is an entry level course for the use of Linux and Unix, but it is by no means a technically superficial course. Some experience with the use of computers in general is required. If in doubt, please call our course administration and talk to one of our teaching staff.


The duration of this training is three days.


The maximum group size is twelve people.


After completing this course you will receive a certificate.

Plaatsen / leslocaties


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