
Revit Basic (English)

Inhoud van de cursus

Our Revit basic course is a particularly popular course because the world of construction experiences the power of 3D and BIM. This Revit Basic course teaches you how to work with the basic functionalities of Revit.

The course lasts four days, spread over several weeks. This gives you the chance to practise and apply the gained knowledge into your daily work. During the class there is plenty of time to make exercises and that is why you will quickly learn to work with Revit independently.

If you successfully complete the Revit basic course, you will receive an official Autodesk certificate.

Who should take this course?

This Revit course is intended for architects, contractors, designers and architectural draughtsmen who want to take their drawings to a higher level and therefore want to work with 3D software.

What skills do you develop by participating this course?

After completing this Revit course you independently model a project and generate drawings from it. You also gain insight into how a Revit 3D building model works.

What prior knowledge do you need for this course?

You don?t need any knowledge of Revit to participate in this course. Your own professional knowledge is sufficient. Some general knowledge and experience with Windows is required.

Which topics are covered during the course?

The Revit Basic course covers the following topics:
  • BIM methodology
  • Dealing with files
  • Screen layout
  • Navigate
  • Project browser
  • Templates
  • Start projects in Revit
  • Categories, Families, Types, Instances
  • Grid lines and levels
  • Define views and cross-sections (views)
  • Set up basic Casco model: Walls, Floors, Roofs, Columns and Beams
  • Types of families and parameters (variables)
  • Build families (create components yourself)
  • Work planes
  • Annotations (texts, tags and dimensions)
  • Make technical details
  • Generate tables and quantities / statements
  • Create space states
  • Compiling print sheets.
  • View settings
  • Printing (line thicknesses, text heights, etc.)
  • Import / export from and to DWG / AutoCAD
  • Visualize
  • Interference Check

Course material and facilities

You will receive digital instructional material including practice assignments. You can use a free Revit license form Autodesk (valid for 30 days) which you can install on your own computer. This allows you to practice with the software at home during the course.

For our Revit courses we have excellent facilitated training locations throughout the Netherlands. During the training we offer you unlimited coffee, tea and ice water. The lunch will also be provided by us.

Free access to the Cadix Academy for one year

As a student of the Revit basic course you will get access to our online learning platform, called Cadix Academy, for one year. This advanced, very user-friendly learning environment offers extensive information which you can use during your training, such as study material, additional assignments, study tips, questions, instructional videos and links to interesting sources on the internet, in books and articles

Duur van de cursus

4 dagen

Kosten van de cursus

De totale kosten bedragen 1200

Plaatsen / leslocaties

Eindhoven,Utrecht,Venlo,Den Bosch,Virtual Classroom,Drachten,Groningen,Emmen,Zwolle,Alkmaar,Zaandam,Rotterdam,Nijmegen,Amsterdam

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