CLS Trainingen

Scrum Immersion (via e-learning)

Algemene informatie over de cursus

The training Scrum Immersion (via e-learning) covers the functions and features of Scrum Immersion. Students will learn about Scrum basics and key Scrum artifacts. They will also learn about user stories and implementing Scrum.

All courses are developed and provided by LookingGlass Development. LookingGlass Development is a Project Management Institute (PMI) Registered Education Provider (REP) and all PDU/Contact hours are submitted to PMI through LookingGlass Development's REP number of 1384.

The package includes:

  • 12 months online access featuring on demand instructor-led classroom sessions with full audio, video and demonstration components;
  • certificate of completion;
  • printable courseware;
  • focused on practical solutions to real-world development problems;
  • self assessment unit review quizzes.


The course is suitable for project managers who want to learn more about the possibilities of implementing Scrum.


No specific foreknowledge is required for this course.


This course concerns self-study. You determine the study duration yourself. You have access to the training for one year.


De maximale groepsgrootte bedraagt acht deelnemers.


After completing the course the participants receive a certificate of completion.

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